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Centaury 矢車菊 10ml

SKU: CRH-00883
  • 容易受他人影響,被佔便宜和利用,永遠不敢拒絕別人的要求,即使心裡不情願,也不敢造成別人的不悅,即使別人對自己很過分,也會忍受而聽命於他人。但往往又不好意思開口求助。一直成為受害者的角色。矢車菊幫助這些人能掌控自己,堅強意志。


    Centaury restores the qualities of inner strength & self-determination. Those in need of Centaury have a misplaced sense of service and believe that they must put others needs before their own. They appear to lack the will power to say ‘no’ and are easily dominated and open to being taken advantage of by those with stronger personalities. As a consequence they often wear themselves out in service to others and do not develop their own individuality or creativity. Those in the negative Centaury state are often seen as being ‘a doormat for others’.

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