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Hornbeam 鐵樹 (鵝耳櫪)

庫存單位: CRH-00896
  • 幫助一些缺乏動力,提不起勁的人。不論是精神上或肉體上的怠倦。就像是「星期一症候群」。星期一早上特別不想面對工作或學業的狀態,總是提不起勁,想逃避,寧可回到床上賴著。但其實他們是有能力做得好的。鐵樹就是協助這些人不再怠惰,重新獲得熱誠與活力。


    Hornbeam helps those who feel that they lack the mental strength to carry out the everyday tasks of their lives. Those in need of this remedy often experience a state of procrastination brought on by a kind of mental weariness or staleness. They feel tired even after a good nights sleep and find it very difficult to get going in the morning, maybe needing several cups of coffee in order to be ready to face the day. However once they eventually do get going they usually discover that they are perfectly capable of completing their day’s work.

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