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Pine 松樹10ml

庫存單位: CRH-00903
  • 幫助一些永遠在怪責自己的人,他們永遠習慣責備自己,任何事情的不對都會覺得是自己的錯,常懷抱罪惡感。松樹主要協助這些人接納自己,愛自己,釋放不必要的罪惡感。


    Pine helps to restore a positive sense of inner self-value or self worth. Those in need of Pine suffer from feelings of guilt, shame, self-blame or self reproach and will often take responsibility for, or even apologize for, something that has nothing to do with them at all. They are never truly satisfied with themselves and tend to feel that others are better than they are. It is difficult for those in this state to find any real sense of achievement or joy in life.

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