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Sweet Chestnut 甜栗

庫存單位: CRH-00909
  • 幫助處理嚴重的心理壓力、悲痛、苦惱等問題。心中充滿痛苦、憂心絕望、崩潰。不一定有尋死的念頭,但眼前感到徹底的黑暗與絕望,有感走到路的盡頭一樣。甜栗可幫助紓緩、鎮定與療癒,重拾平和與樂觀。


    Sweet Chestnut’s gift is its ability to restore our connection to our Soul’s light and love.

    In the acute state those in need of Sweet Chestnut feel that they have reached the limits of their endurance and are at the end of the road. In this extreme state they feel an absolute and utter despair or hopelessness – a state of desolation in which they feel isolated from the rest of mankind.

    Often described as ‘the dark night of the soul’ this state can be experienced when the personality is faced with the challenge of confronting itself. The ‘back to the wall’ feeling is the result of the personality’s resistance to make the inner change necessary to move to the next level of consciousness, so this uncomfortable state can sometimes precede a big movement forward.

    Sweet Chestnut brings back the light and joy to life, dissolving the darkness.

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